Alon Shaya, owner of Saba in New Orleans and Safta in Denver, has reached great professional heights as a celebrated chef. But he has discovered that capturing even the biggest prizes can be empty victories when your working environment is toxic.
Host Amy Elisa Jackson talks with Alon about his contentious split from the Besh Restaurant Group after Alon spoke out about a workplace culture that allegedly encouraged sexual harassment and assault. Alon shares how he has since pressed reset on his life and career and has created a positive work environment through founding Pomegranate Hospitality and in his restaurants by encouraging diversity, mutual respect, and by empowering employees. As he says in the podcast, “Surround yourself with people that you believe in, not because of how good they can cook, or how much money they're going to pay you, but by what they do every day. And that is more important than anything else.”